Rest in this house, that is you
Arrive, drop in, breathe, be
You are home
Restorative Practices
I think it is so vital to explore and create daily practices to support self-care, nourishment, and balance. Every day this looks different - some days it may be to slow down, and go inward, be more quiet. Other days it may be to activate, generating higher energy, to expand and be social, interactive and outwardly expressive.
I have been on a journey to find ways to support my own experiences of anxiety, depression, all or nothing tendencies which have manifested through addiction, mental health issues, depletion and my nervous system being completely out of wack.
Through years of investigation, experiential learning, trainings, practice, teaching, and more practice - I have discovered methods that have helped me to heal, release, balance my nervous system and emotions, rebuild, and in turn, I have created a ‘tool box’ that supports me in showing up for my life, as I am, in the the best ways I can in any given moment, which shifts every day given the circumstances, both inwardly and outwardly. These practices feed me to weave in and out of all that is my life - showing up for my family, as a mama, for my friends, community, my work, trainings, artistic and wholistic practices.
These practices are ones that work for me, and I hope they can be an inspiration and service to you too - but each of our journeys are personal and unique - so this is an invitation to be open, to try, to spend time with (yourself) and practice… see what helps, what resonates for you, what sparks your inner flame and then continue - by our collective efforts for healing, wellness, nourishment, we generate a consciousness and energy rippling into the world seen and unseen.
Rest Practice
Forest Rituals
Restorative Practices support:
Presence | Nervous System Regulation | Presence | Physical Recovery | Mental Clarity | Emotional Balance | Resilience | Immune Function Support | Enhanced Creativity | Connection with Self and Others | Energetic & Spiritual Renewal | Feeling our Heart's Intelligence & Wisdom
Herbalism and Holistic Healing through The School of the Sacred Wild, and the Gaia School of Healing and Earth Education-CA.
Trauma-informed Breathwork Practitioner Certification through The Sacred Breath Academy.
Sound Healing Facilitator Certification through Shakti Sound Bath / Ana Netanel.
Reiki Energy Master Certification through the National Reiki Association.
Outdoor Emergency Care Training through the National Ski Patrol
CPR Certified through the Red Cross
I honor and give gratitude to my teachers, mentors and guides - Marysia Miernowska, Kaya Leigh, Ana Netanel, Lisa Powers, Wimhof, Marina Benedict, Jeremy Nelson, Meredith Monk, Lan Lan Wang, Dan Wagoner, and so many collaborators, colleagues, fellow-apprentices, students, friends… thank you, thank you, thank you.